Tuesday, December 15, 2015

History of Photography quiz # 3 part A

1. Who was the first person to successfully capture light on a medium?
     a) Thomas Wedgwood
     b) Nicéphore Niépce 
     c)  Louis Daguerre 
     d) Henry Fox Talbot

 polish a sheet of silver-plated copper to a mirror finish, treat it with fumes that made its surface light sensitive, expose it in a camera for as long as was judged to be necessary, this "hologram" like image is kept under a piece of glass. and only one copy can be made.
this is an example of  _____________________________.

 this negative- positive process is known as  ___________
  this early black and white photo another example.

4. this process is known as __________________________

 this process is much cheaper, also popular - which means everyone can take a picture with a camera preloaded with ___________. 

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