Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Quiz 2 (2016 version A)

On your PPT #5 print out answer the following questions.
(answer 15 questions, pick 5 questions from 11to 22)

1.       According to Karl Taylor , What are the 6 essential component to Photography?

2.       What is the simplest thing you can change on your camera to vary the depth of field?

3.       What does ‘125’ mean when you select this for shutter speed?

a.       125 shots remaining before the SD card is full
b.      Shutter will be open for 1.25 seconds
c.       125 seconds self timer
d.      Shutter will be open for 1/125th sec
e.      Shutter will be open for 125 seconds.

4.       Which of these is the best suited to low light photography?
a.       Low ISO setting
b.      Fast shutter speeds
c.       Low f-number for aperture
d.      A polarising filter
e.      Long focal length lenses

5.       Label or list the exposure triangle ……    (think Flickr pic #31-36)
       Explain the exposure triangle in your own word.

6.      What type of lens does your _________ DSLR have? What is the range?

7.       If you want to take a portrait with blurry background outside on a sunny day.

What would be your camera settings?  
ISO _____ Aperture ________ Shutter speed____________ focal length ________

#8) What type of lens would you use for the picture taken below?

#9) What type of lens can gives you these range....

10) What type produces this round about "look" 

11) what determines the lightness or the darkness of an image?

12) If the image that you are making with your digital camera appear too pixelated what setting must you adjust or check on your camera?

13)what effect would there be in the overall color balance if you used a tungsten light source with a daylight white balance setting?
14)What steps could you be able to accurately match colors later when processing images?

15)Explain how underexposed and overexposed images differ from on that is normally exposed.

16)What are the two types of exposure meters and how do they differ in determining a correct exposure?

17)What are the two methods that can be used to override an exposure when using an automatic camera?

18)What types of light will produce the best overall reading with digital cameras?

19)Explain what happens to the exposure of a scene when the majority of the values are dark.

20)Explain a technique that could be used to render a correct exposure when photographing a backlit subject.

21)Define a high contrast scene and explain what types of measures you would take to obtain a correct exposure when photographing in this type of situation.

22) what piece of equipment would you need besides a camera to successfully produce images in HDR?

Extra credit: take a picture with Bokeh effect in class.

Given the following scenarios, what are the appreciate settings for focal length, aperture, shutter speed and ISO? answer 2 of them for extra credit.

A) Beautiful sunny day and you want to take sharp image of a building from a close distance.

B) At a birthday party with candle lights only and you’re taking a picture of the cake

C) Early Morning, sun is not up yet and you’re taking a picture of the beach and you want everything to be in focus.

D) You’re taking a picture of your significant other in a crowded place in the afternoon at 5:30PM near Times Square. You only want your subject to be in focus and everything else to be blurry.

E) You’re taking a picture of a Lamborghini in a racetrack with overcast daylight but want to give motion blur to everything else but the car.

F) You’re taking a picture of a ninja during broad daylight (assume ninjas are fast!)

G) You’re in your corner office on the 10
th floor and you are taking a picture of your friend that works on the 10th floor in a neighboring building during broad daylight at 12:00PM.

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